<snip from web archive>

   * From: Guy Fraser
   * Subject: Re: adding Client-Short-Name attribute
   * Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2003 10:21:46 -0800

Here is a script I wrote in perl to process the clients.conf file and output a
comma seperated variable list. This can be used to import the clients.conf
into a database if you are using one. Then the shortname, doesn't need to
take up an attribute, since it can be joined in.

</snip from web archive>
I am afraid I do not understand. My goal was to be able to group diverse clients and treat them all the same in the users file based upon a regex match.

So for instance, when my users login with provider X ports, and provider X has Y radius servers, I can now put a default entry in to match on a value I control.
That way I can use the same usernames/realmnames across multiple providers and still treat them differently, again based upon information that I control, the client's shortname.

When/If provider X changes NAS-Identifier, nothing breaks here. When/If provider changes radius server addresses, or hostnames, it is still one edit in my files.

Maybe I am missing something?


Joe Maimon wrote:

Hello all,

I am looking into adding the attribute client-short-name to be treated much as client-ip-address is in rlm_preprocess.

However there seems to be two ways of going about obtaining the information.

1) Lookup the client name based on the request->packet->src_ipaddr

2) Modify the request structure to store the client.

Any suggestions?


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