I am attaching the dictionary file for Valemount Network's Star-OS - a wireless acess point. If someone is interested it could be included with the server distribution.

Keith Yoder
#       Valemount Networks Corporation specific radius attributes
#       Version 1.0 - March 26, 2003

VENDOR          ValemountNetworks       16313

BEGIN-VENDOR    ValemountNetworks

# Rates to give PPPoE customers, can be used in Authentication replies. (in bits/s)
ATTRIBUTE       VNC-PPPoE-CBQ-RX                1       integer
ATTRIBUTE       VNC-PPPoE-CBQ-TX                2       integer

# Fallback support for each direction. (1 / 0)
ATTRIBUTE       VNC-PPPoE-CBQ-RX-Fallback       3       integer
ATTRIBUTE       VNC-PPPoE-CBQ-TX-Fallback       4       integer

END-VENDOR      ValemountNetworks

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