Title: Unable to answer requests from an IAS proxy

I have a Cisco AS5300 talking to an MS IAS server which proxies certain requests to a FreeRADIUS server.  These requests are rejected by the FreeRADIUS server because of a bad password, but the password was entered correctly by the end user.  The log seems to indicate that the FreeRADIUS server doesn't understand the encryption used to transmit the password, since debugging data shows a gibberish string instead of the actual password, which it shows during successful authentication attempts made directly from the NAS to the FreeRADIUS server.  The FreeRADIUS server is version 0.9.3, the machine is running Solaris 7, patches are reasonably up to date, and as I indicated earlier, authenticating directly to the FreeRADIUS server works correctly.  I am doing pass through authentication to the system.  The client, the NAS and the IAS proxy are all configured for PAP only, no CHAP or EAP or any of that.

Any assistance in getting the proxy to communicate with my FreeRADIUS server would be appreciated.  There appear to be a number of references on the mail list archives to getting a FreeRADIUS proxy to talk to an IAS server, but I couldn't find anything going the other direction.


Jeff Vail

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