We have been experiencing problems with the MSBlaster worm and

The Freeradius daemon is running on a (homebrew) NAS that also
terminates VPN sessions. If a VPN user is infected, it seems that the
MSBlaster traffic prevents FreeRADIUS from operating correctly. 

The exact mode of failure is unclear, because FreeRADIUS does not
generate any errors, but the result is that FreeRADIUS claims never to
recieve any proxy RADIUS packets it has sent out (and thus it can't
authenticate users). (ie. requests keep timing out).

My best guess is that the MSBlaster UDP from the user(s) is swamping the
kernel, resulting in RADIUS UDP packets getting lost.

Has anyone else seen this, or have any suggestions?

many thanks, josh.

Josh Howlett, Networking & Digital Communications,
Information Systems & Computing, University of Bristol, U.K.
'phone: 0117 928 7850 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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