
I am having a small issue with a 3COM communications server. Users are able to authenticate, but I am getting this from the radius.log...

Error: Received Accounting-Request packet from with invalid signature! (Shared secret is incorrect.)

and also a detail file is not being created, only a auth-detail-<date> file.

I do not have this issue with the Livingstons.

Googling has suggested that it is perhaps an software issue. Current Versions are...

FreeRadius - 0.9.0

3Com Corporation HiPer Access Router
System Transmit Authentication Name:      HiPer
System Version:                           V4.1.59

I have verified the shared secret in the clients.conf it is the same as clients file on the current cistron-radius server which is not having this issue.

I wanted to re-enter the password on the 3COM, because that was suggested as well.

I am not sure which of the following commands would need to be run to facilitate this...

set ACCOUNTING primary_secret | secondary_secret ...
set AUTHENTICATION primary_secret | secondary_secret ...

or perhaps both.

Any other tips would be apprecitated.

Bobby R. Cox
Linux Systems Administrator
Project Mutual Telephone
Fix the problem,  not the blame.   <><

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