I have used PHP with radius authenticated sessions that generates an HTML table for
the requested month and year.

Unfortunatly I can't provide the source. I do not have permission to make the source
public. If I get enough requests in this list I will push for permission to release some
of the source. Eventualy I will look into adding user access to dialup admin, and
expand the functionality to use some of the reporting and graphing functions I have

This is the type of functions I would like to add :


Of course that is not radius data, but each group of tables and graphs is generated
with one function call and sql query string.

This is an outline of the process I use:

1) Collect information from a form to determine year and month of the report.
2) Build sql query.
3) Open DB
4) Submit sql query.
5) Convert query result into an array of associated arrays.
6) Process complex array to generate an HTML Table
7) Genrate Graph from complex array {if required}.
8) Generate a summary line from complex array.

There are excellent PHP documents at :

Good luck

Johnno wrote:

Hello All,

I am running FreeRadius and Database (mysql)

I am after a program that uses database where a user can enter in there
username and password and it will display there login's and total time

Is there a program like this out there??

Many Thanks,

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