I'm having a problem getting EAP(LEAP) to work authenticating passwords to
LDAP.  If I define the users file, like this

testuser User-Password == "xyzzy"

the EAP authentication works fine.  I tested the LDAP by defining the
users files as


which then passes the authentication using radtest to check the
userid/password against the LDAP server.  What I can't seem to get working
 is the two together, I can only one or the other to work.  My goal is to
have the radius server attempt to authenticate the password of any user
against the LDAP server, without listing the users individually in the
users file.  I believe the radiusd.conf is OK, and the problems is with
the users file, but can't see where.

I seem to be at a dead end, so I'm hoping that someone has some suggestions
or at least hints or where I should be looking.

Thanks in advance for any help

Hans K. Fiedler                         Information Technology
Network Analyst                         Communications Services
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              109 Miller Info Tech Center
(502)852-7417 (Voice)                   University of Louisville
(502)852-4508 (Fax)                     Louisville, Ky. 40292

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