
There seem to be a problem in FR (0.8.1 & 0.9.1) while proxying the
requests. I have 2 Radius servers configured for a realm and ldflag is
left with default value (Failover). The configuration looks like:

realm my.com {
        type            = radius
        authhost        =
        accthost        =
        secret          = secret

realm my.com {
        type            = radius
        authhost        =
        accthost        =
        secret          = secret

The failover doesn't work if the "synchronous" parameter is set to
"yes". Can someone explain this behaviour ?

Another (major) issue is:
If the "retry_delay" value is set less than 10 (1 to 9), then the
"failover" works fine. If I set the value to more than 10 (I tried till
15), then the "failover" doesn't work. Have anyone also faced this kind
of problem? Is this a real problem with FR or am I missing some
configuration ?

Thank You,
- Sud 

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