I have a freeradius server accepting proxy requests for multiple Called-Station-Id‘s

I would like the SQL database field “realm” to properly reflect what realm it is actually proxying for.

The problem is that if I put Called-Station-Id in the users file and put the realm information in proxy.conf, I get an infinite loop.


Snippets -


DEFAULT Called-Station-Id == "2345678901", Proxy-To-Realm := "isp1.net"

DEFAULT Called-Station-Id == "9991114321", Proxy-To-Realm := "isp2.net"

DEFAULT Called-Station-Id == "5554441234", Proxy-To-Realm := "isp2.net"




realm isp1.net {

        type            = radius

        authhost      = LOCAL

        accthost      = LOCAL



realm isp2.net {

        type            = radius

        authhost      = LOCAL

        accthost      = LOCAL



If I take this information out of users and proxy.conf, they authenticate but DEFAULT gets put into the DB.

Any thoughts? Am I doing something wrong, or is this just something I’ll have to live with?




Anson Rinesmith


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