Hi José,

José Luis Solano wrote:
Hi Jean-Paul!!!

I have your configuration in my freeradius-snapshot-20040222 but I have the following error: (see freeradius logs please). I don't understand the configuration of "users" file: #--------------------------------------------------------- # Connexion 801.x a0153 ============> What is it?

It's a user of my Ldap back-End.

# a0292 :  Define the user for 802.1x Authentication
a0292 ==============> What is it?

# a0292 :  Define the user for 802.1x Authentication
999999999991 ================> I have added, but I don't know why exactly???

# By default use Ldap for authentication
Ldap is the default authentication methode.

Regards, Jean-Paul. -- -- Jean-Paul Chapalain - GICM - Resp. Reseaux et Infrastructure -- 32 rue Mirabeau - Le Relecq-Kerhuon - 29808 Brest Cedex 9, FRANCE -- Tel +33298002873 - Fax +33298284005 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Key Fingerprint: 192C 1CFE F24A 050D F280 A086 AF15 8631 3ABB 4C7D

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