On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 01:17:19PM -0500, Dustin Doris wrote:
> Take a look at ldap search filters
> http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2254.txt
> On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, Robert Banniza wrote:
> > Having a problem testing my LDAP authentication. In running 'radiusd -X
> > -A', I'm trying to debug why uid 'brad' and his password are not being
> > found. Here is my ldap filter from radiusd.conf:
> >
> > ldap {
> >                 server = "somehost.somedomain.net"
> >                 identity = "cn=Manager,dc=somedomain,dc=net"
> >                 password = somepass
> >                 basedn = "ou=people,dc=somedomain,dc=net"
> >                 filter   = "((posixAccount)(uid=%u))"
> *** Should be "(&(ObjectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%u))"

Thank you very much...That worked!!


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