"Costin Manda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using freeradius as a proxy for another radius. Everything works
> perfectly when trying to authenticate a prepaid calling card, but when the
> user dials, the primary radius rejects all the calls on the ground of "null
> portname error". As far as I see, freeRadius sends forth what was sent to
> it. I have no idea why this is happening.

  If FreeRADIUS is sending *exactly* the same attributes, then the end
server can't even tell FreeRADIUS is there.

> Of course, after removing freeradius from the chain, everything works fine.

  Make sure ALL packets sent by FreeRADIUS are the same as the
situation when you don't use FreeRADIUS.

  Alan DeKok.

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