As far as I know, MySQL for Windows is nothing more than the Linux MySQL source compiled on Windows with the necessary adjustments. Connecting with the MySQL client from Linux should not be a problem. Do
 mysql --help | more
to see the usage of the client. Eventually, try doing a
  man mysql
and see what it's there.
  MySQL from windows should have an open port, configured by you (3306 usually), test it by telnetting from the linux box. You should connect and see something weird on the screen. If the connection cannot be established, there is a network error or you mistyped the port number.
  BTW, why would you use MySQL for windows? Are you sure it's not Microsoft SQL that you are using? Because I can see no other purpose for using MySQL on Windows if you already have a Linux box.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:47 AM
Subject: Thnkx

Thanks Kevin,
We very much apreciate your prompt reply, btw the other part of the problem was is there any drivers available in Linux so that I can connect the MySQL client in Linux to MySQL in Windows ?

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