When running in debug mode there is no sql trace file.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 01:11 PM
Subject: sqltrace, mysql authentication

> Hi,
> I've managed to set up freeradius to authenticate
> users using the flat file format - however
> authentication with MySQL does not work.
> Furthermore, there is no sqltrace log file
> produced - and running it with -X -xxx only
> tells:
> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=86,
> length=61
> Fri Apr  9 18:05:51 2004 : Error: Ignoring request from unknown client
> Fri Apr  9 18:05:51 2004 : Debug: --- Walking the entire request list ---
> Fri Apr  9 18:05:51 2004 : Debug: Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see
> a request.
> Yes, the database has been populated and initial
> output from freeradius shows successful connection to the
> database server.
> Testing was done using radtest and ntradping.
> Questions:
> 1. What is the meaning of the error above?
> 2. Why isn't freeradius generating the sqltrace file?
> Regards,
> --mel
> -
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