Hello freeradius-users,

   I want freeradius to assign different IP addresses (from different
   networks) according to traffic balance of users. It means that if
   user have no traffic left for this month, freeradius will give him
   IP address from, and if user still have a traffic
   on a account he will receive Algorythm is simple,
   but i'm stuck with check-reply items. Now i have this in 'users'

DEFAULT Service-Type == Framed-User
    Traffic-Limit := `%{expr: %{reply:Rad-Traffic-limit} - %{sql:SELECT 
tOutputOctets) FROM radacct WHERE UserName = '%u' AND Month(AcctStopTime) 
=Month(NOW()) AND Year(Acc
tStopTime) = Year(NOW())}}`,
    Fall-Through = 1

    Reply item Rad-Traffic-Limit is coming from LDAP. And if i
    understanding documentation right, i need something like this:

DEFAULT Traffic-Limit > 0, Pool-Name := "legal_pool"
   Fall-Through = 1

DEFAULT Traffic-Limit <= 0, Pool-Name := "illegal_pool"
   Fall-Through = 1

   But, of course, radiusd blames me for this - '>' and '<=' is not
   applicable to reply items. So i think i need to put value of reply
   attribute Traffic-Limit to some check attribute and then compare it
   and assign pool name, am i right? And if i am, then - how can i do
   it? I tried many ways, but have no success.

   For now those users, who have <= 0 of traffic left, just being rejected
   and that's all, but i need to pass them with harder restrictions.
   Main idea: they will work with the different ip addresses, and i
   will configure my firewall in such manner that they will only can
   use corporative mail, corporative site, all corporative and no
   outer internet.

   So if freeradius can assign addresses from different pools - can it
   assign them according to traffic limits?

p.s.: always forgetting to say "sorry for my bad English".

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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