I'm running FreeRadius 0.9.3 on a Mandrake 9.2 system with kernel
2.4.21.  The system is a P3-1266MHz with 512MB of RAM.

I have 4 NAS boxes one of which only does accounting information as it
authenticates from a local user database.  I'm using PostgreSQL for
authentication and accounting as well as detail files for accounting.

I notice that memory usage continues to climb until it maxes out my
system.  When that happens, I start getting Kernel VM messages similar
to this:

 kernel: VM: killing process ???????

Where ??????? is things like httpd, postmaster, qmail, etc..

For what FreeRadius does, I don't understand why it's using so much
memory.  It's not like I have a lot of users or anything.  I may have
125 ADSL users and 40 - 50 modem users at one time.  The ADSL users are
fairly static and don't authenticate very often.  They usually leave
their routers on.  Queries to the server don't happen but 5-10 per
minute at most between all NAS boxes.  I do get periodic accounting
updates from my Cisco router (ADSL users).

I've also setup FreeRadius for a couple smaller ISPs.  One only has a
single NAS (Ascend MAX) and about 40 dialup users of which maybe 5-10
are online at a time.  They are experiencing the same problem with
memory usage that I do.

Here's a clip from top on memory usage of FreeRadius.  I should probably
also mention that I run FreeRadius via tcpserver.  I tried using the
softlimit to limit memory usage but that didn't go well.

 VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  Command
100m  22m 1672 S  0.0  4.5   3:02.79 radiusd

Any help or suggestions is appreciated.

Thank you,

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