On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 10:13:23PM -0400, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Hans Fiedler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can't get the attribute value checking to work.  I've tried mapping the
> > attribute in the ldap.attrmap file,
> > 
> > checkItem       WirelessStatus                  WirelessStatus
> > 
> > and checking the value in the users file.  I'm not getting that to work.
>   The ldap.attrmap file maps entries in an LDAP database to RADIUS
> attributes.  If you haven't defined "WirelessStatus" in the
> dictionaries, the LDAP entry won't map to anything.
>   Alan DeKok.

Sorry I left that off the message, I do have this in the dictionary
after the include line for the vendor dictionaries

ATTRIBUTE       WirelessStatus          299     string

I don't have control over the LDAP data but the attribute there is a
string, ACT or HLD, or SUS, or DIS.  I only really care if it had ACT
or not, any others are disabled for various reasons.

Hans K. Fiedler                         Information Technology
Network Analyst                         Communications Services
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              University of Louisville
                                        Louisville, Ky. 40292

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