Hi to you all!

I've a question concerning the attribute User-Category (1029). It is
not strictly FreeRADIUS related, but I read many times it origin was
the Cistron Radius, and as FreeRADIUS is the descendant of Cistron
somebody here might know an answer ...

Andrei used the attribute User-Category in the rlm_dbm module to
reference from one entry to another one. I already talked to him and
he mentioned he doesn't know about any document concerning

When googling, I found the User-Category attribute in the dictionary
of nearly any radiusd, mostly noted as "Cistron specific".

But I found nowhere, but in Andrei's rlm_dbm, a special handling of
this attribute.

Can anybody tell me for which purpose this attribute was introduced in
the beginning?

(I like the way Andrei uses it, but I would like to know a bit more
background about it.)

Thank you,

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