These messages are being loged to my Freeradius 0.9.3. Don't care what number I put in the ldap_connections_number.

If I put 10, when it arrives 10 auths it starts to show that message. (And fail to auth users)

I receive 5 or 6 auths / minute. So radius isn't overloaded.

While I cant find a solution e put ldap_connections_number = 600 and in the cron I put to restart radius in 10 by 10 minutes.

We've got other services authenticating with my OpenLDAP with NO problem.

These are some of my configs in the radiusd.conf (I think is important).

max_request_time = 30
cleanup_delay = 5
max_requests = 1024
thread pool {
        start_servers = 15
        max_servers = 32
        min_spare_servers = 3
        max_spare_servers = 10
        max_requests_per_server = 15
ldap_connections_number = 600
        timeout = 15
        timelimit = 15
        net_timeout = 60

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