Hello All,

I have to set up the freeradius server on Gentoo to secure my home WLAN.
I prefer to use the EAP-TTLS and found an very good howto:


In on of the section at the howto there is a discription on how to setup up
a short C programm to enerate a random file. But I do not understand
how I should generate this file. Here are the information included from
the how to above:


Third step

To generate a random file you will need a short C program using openssl libraries.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>

// you will need to compile it with openssl lib
// $ gcc -lcrypto
main (void) {
unsigned char buf[100];
if (!RAND_bytes(buf, 100)) {
// the usual md5(time+pid)
printf("Random : %s\n", buf);

Compile it with : gcc random.c -o random -lcrypto

I will generate 32-bit LSB executable named random, try it with ./random.

Move this file to /etc/mycerts/

mv random /etc/mycerts/.


Can anyone help me to generate the
needed random file?
Many Thanks.

Best Regards,

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