
I need to provide access to several web sites on our Intranet to traveling users on 
the Internet. I have set up a reverse proxy (Apache) and I use the radius module to 
authenticate users coming from the Internet. The radius module is great, becuase upon 
successful authentication it puts a cookie into the browser, so it also works with 
dynamic passwords as the radius server is not consulted again.

My problem is that I have several web sites in the same domain, and the user should be 
able to move hence and forth among these servers without being required to 
reauthenticate. To this end I need to set the domain of the cookie generated by the 
radius module to the top level domain of our company so that it is sent by the browser 
to all the websites. Can I do it with the radius module as it is, or do I have to hack 
it somehow?

Robert Szelepcsenyi 

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