Graeme Hinchliffe wrote:

On Tue, 18 May 2004 09:10:43 -0500
Nick Bright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm sorry if this has been asked a billion times, which I'm sure it
probably has. I reviewed the website and FAQ, as well as searching the
site with google, but I was unable to locate any refrences as to the
ability of FreeRADIUS to function as a caching radius server, such
that in a pure proxy configuration if it cannot reach the proxy for a
relm it will use the last known answer for the user attempting to

Would it not be simpler to just replicate the database to that system?

Are you sure you want to do this as you could potentially be permitting
users onto the system which have had their account terminated.

The database is much too large to replicate, and runs on MSSQL anyways. It is also proprietary, and my primary radius servers are also proprietary software. I do realize that it would portentially allow terminated users in, but that would only be in a situation where the caching service could not reach the primary servers. In a situation where the primary servers are down, I would rather let in 50 terminated accounts than have 15,000 accounts unable to get on the internet ;)

In addition to that, I'm eventually going to need to proxy-cache to servers that I have no control over - so db replication would be right out, there.

Unfortunately I am _not_ a programmer, so no matter how easy it is to add a module I am not capable of doing so. I leave this as a topic for discussion of a possible feature to add - I think it would be very useful in several different situations.

 - Nick Bright
   Terraworld, Inc

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