Hello !

For unconditional change Nas-IP-Address to Client-IP-Address
I have

modules {
       attr_rewrite set_real_nas_ip {
               attribute = NAS-IP-Address
               searchin = packet
               searchfor = "^.*$"
               replacewith = "%{Client-IP-Address}"
               ignore_case = no
               new_attribute = no
               max_matches = 1
               append = no

authorize { set_real_nas_ip

accounting {

in my radiusd.conf.

This works good in accounting :
Sat May 29 22:42:35 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat: '^.*$'
Sat May 29 22:42:35 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat: '80.255.xxx.xxx'
Sat May 29 22:42:35 2004 : Debug: rlm_attr_rewrite: Changed value for attribute NAS-IP-Address
from '' to '80.255.xxx.xxx'

But in authorize it's fail:
Sat May 29 22:42:50 2004 : Debug: modsingle[authorize]: calling set_real_nas_ip (rlm_attr_re
write) for request 2
Sat May 29 22:42:50 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat: '^.*$'
Sat May 29 22:42:50 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat: ''
Sat May 29 22:42:50 2004 : Debug: rlm_attr_rewrite: xlat on replace string failed.
Sat May 29 22:42:50 2004 : Debug: modsingle[authorize]: returned from set_real_nas_ip (rlm_a
ttr_rewrite) for request 2
Sat May 29 22:42:50 2004 : Debug: modcall[authorize]: module "set_real_nas_ip" returns noop
for request 2

Why this module works good in accounting, but fail in authorize section? Thanks a lot for any type of information.

-- best regards, Ruslan A Dautkhanov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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