
Am Di, den 01.06.2004 um 23:10 Uhr +0100 schrieb paul hanson:
> Hi,
> I have the latest 0.93 available on SuSE Professional 9.1 and need to proxy 
> in-bound requests based upon the called phone number.
> The most obvious way would be to add a realm name to the 'user name' and proxy 
> based upon the full account name matched to a called phone number. i.e. "fred.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]". I will need to further strip the realm name once re-directed to 
> the correct radius server.
I do that on our proxy radius with entries like this in the users file:
DEFAULT Called-Station-Id == "123", Proxy-To-Realm := "foobar"
        Fall-Through = no

You just have to define the realm in the proxy.conf like you would do
normally, and if you don't specify it, the suffix is stripped off before
sending the request to the home server.


Stephan Jaeger

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