Hi there
I am using Cisco AS5300 with FreeRadius 0.9.3.
I have enabled the ‘cisco hack’ in radiusd.conf and I can process lines like
‘h323-call-type = “h323-call-type=VoIP” from the accounting packets but I fail on lines which start with Cisco-AVPair,
For example: cannot capture the Cisco-AVPair = “h323-incoming-conf-id=ABCDEF12 B77511D8 308165AB 1235678” in ‘%{h323-incoming-conf-id}’ which always stays blank.
I have verified that this attribute exists in the dictionary.cisco file, I have also enabled the cisco-hack as I said earlier.
It is not obvious to me how the case for Cisco-AVPair is being handled by the code in rlm_preprocess.c -- I am not setup with a debug machine, so cannot see the attribute’s link list or step through its processing of attributes.
Please help me find what is preventing reading of attributes from the accounting packets by the sql module.
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