Title: Using multiple PAM authenticating methodes

I want to authenticatie users with different pam modules.
For some users i want to use smb authentication and other with SecurID.
It works when I use this:
user    Auth-Type = Pam
      Service-Type = Framed-User,
       Framed-Protocol = PPP
In the radiusd.conf I have configure pam_auth = radius
so radiusd uses the /etc/pam.d/radius entry. This radius entry
In the pam.d directory is configured to use pam_securid or pam_smb_auth.
Both methodes work.

BUT, when i tried it simultanous like the following, it doesn't work,
user_smb    Auth-Type = Pam, Pam-Auth = "smb"
      Service-Type = Framed-User,
       Framed-Protocol = PPP
user_rsa    Auth-Type = Pam, Pam-Auth = "rsa"
      Service-Type = Framed-User,
       Framed-Protocol = PPP
radiusd -X show the following error:
auth: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the request: Rejecting the user
Radius does not enter the pam module!! It looks like the Pam-auth is "corrupting" everything.
Radiusd doesn't even know that is should go into Pam section..
Any help is appreciated.
Rene Doove

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