"Michael Ding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been play with FreeRadius for a few weeks in the following 
> enviroment:
> Funk Software Odyssey Client + Belken wireless router + FreeRadius 1.0.0 
> Pre2. Finally, I get the system working last night, but I found out a 
> problem with accounting file. I turn on detail, auth_detail and reply_detail 
> files. But only auth_detail & reply_detail is generated when EAP-TTLS is 
> used. I used radtest with CHAP, I found all 3 files are generated.

  No, you didn't.  The "detail" module logs only accounting requests,
and when you send a CHAP authentication request using "radtest", it
doesn't send an accounting request.

> Is this a desire behavior for EAP-TTLS? If so, how do I generate billing 
> info for my wireless usage?

  See the FAQ.  Your NAS has to send accounting information for the
server to be able to log it.

  Alan DeKok.

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