Hi again Alan,

>   Configure the "password_header" entry in the ldap{} section, in
> radiusd.conf.  

already done, but in the doc it's said it just strips away the {CRYPT} substring 
of the crypted passwd. Still have to put the encrypted password in the popup box 
to make it work...

>You can also map that LDAP entry to the Crypt-Password
> attribute, and the server will figure it out from there.

Also tried it:

checkItem       LM-Password                     lmPassword
checkItem       NT-Password                     ntPassword
checkItem       Crypt-Password                  userPassword
checkItem       SMB-Account-CTRL-TEXT           acctFlags

But it doesn't seem to change a lot of things:

rlm_ldap: Adding userPassword as Crypt-Password, value { & op=21
rlm_ldap: Adding ntPassword as NT-Password, value 
EFAC11B52777F8D7A34BDC1A0F89228D & op=21
rlm_ldap: Adding lmPassword as LM-Password, value 
136BE46417241D68AAD3B435B51404EE & op=21
rlm_ldap: looking for reply items in directory...

I tried it with and without setting the password_attribute and password_header 
in the radiusd.conf. Result is the same. Anyway in the freeradius sources i 
can't find any reference to Crypt-Password in the rlm_ldap module, and in main.c 
it seems to be a reference to a user-provided password, not to the backend db.
I'm using 0.9.3 do i need a CVS version ?

Thanks again ....


Arnauld Dravet

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