How can I un-subscribe -- I couldn;t see anything on the web site ?

Many Thanks

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: 25 June 2004 22:49
Subject: Freeradius-Users digest, Vol 1 #3419 - 9 msgs

Send Freeradius-Users mailing list submissions to

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Freeradius-Users digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. RE: Post-Auth for Access-Accept not called with LEAP (Htin Hlaing)
   2. RE: FreeRADIUS-1.0.0pre3 crash at SIGHUP (Brent Hetherwick)
   3. RE: FreeRADIUS-1.0.0pre3 crash at SIGHUP (Htin Hlaing)
   4. Accounting details logging problem (Simeon Penev)
   5. Re: how to save binary values in MySQL radreply table (Dave Mason)
   6. RE: Problems with configurable_failover (Roy, Daniel)
   7. Is there some kind of trick to make Cisco LEAP work??? (James D.
   8. radclient problem, apparent limit of resend count to 256 (David
   9. Re: how to save binary values in MySQL radreply table (Gary McKinney)


Message: 1
Subject: RE: Post-Auth for Access-Accept not called with LEAP
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 10:35:02 -0700
From: "Htin Hlaing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


The attached patch allows me to get the post-auth called in
Access-Accept when LEAP is used.  In the rad_authenticate routine from
auth.c returns without going further to call rad_postauth if the called
to rad_check_password returns with RLM_MODULE_HANDLED.  In the
eap_compose routine, the special handling for LEAP returns
RLM_MODULE_HANDLED and therefore, rad_postauth does not get called.  I
changed to RLM_MODULE_OK and tested out and seems to work alright and
post-auth in Access-Accept is getting called in all the EAP types that I
am using including LEAP.

Can someone please check this and make sure that the fix makes sense?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:freeradius-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Htin Hlaing
> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 8:49 AM
> Subject: Post-Auth for Access-Accept not called with LEAP
> Hi,
> I have the following set up in my radiusd to get auth results. With
> other EAP types like peap, ttls, etc.  I get Access-Accepts also
> in the reply_log.  For LEAP, I am not getting it.  From debug run, I
> don't see post-auth getting called at all.  How can I fix to get the
> post-auth called for LEAP successful logons. I am using 1.0 pre3
> post-auth {
>         #
>         #  If you want to have a log of authentication replies,
>         #  un-comment the following line, and the 'detail reply_log'
>         #  section, above.
>         reply_log
>         #
>         #  Access-Reject packets are sent through the REJECT
>         #  of the post-auth section.
>         #
>         Post-Auth-Type REJECT {
>                 reply_log
>         }
> }
> From the debug run:
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authenticate]: calling
> (rlm_eap) for request 818
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug:   rlm_eap: Request found, released
> from the list
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug:   rlm_eap: EAP/leap
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug:   rlm_eap: processing type leap
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug:   rlm_eap_leap: Stage 6
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug:   rlm_eap: Freeing handler
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authenticate]: returned
> from eap (rlm_eap) for request 818
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug:   modcall[authenticate]: module
> returns handled for request 818
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug: modcall: group authenticate returns
> handled for request 818
> Sending Access-Accept of id 24 to
>         Reply-Message =3D "Bourne Supremacy"
>         Cisco-AVPair +=3D
> 2\376]\335\000\257|^\367=3Dy\350\241e\356b"
>         EAP-Message =3D
> 67
>         Message-Authenticator =3D 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
>         User-Name =3D "doug"
>         Proxy-State =3D 0x313439
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug: Finished request 818
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug: Going to the next request
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:31 2004 : Debug: Waking up in 6 seconds...
> Fri Jun 25 08:01:37 2004 : Debug: --- Walking the entire request list
> ---
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Description: diff_6_25_leap.txt
Content-Disposition: attachment;




Message: 2
From: Brent Hetherwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: FreeRADIUS-1.0.0pre3 crash at SIGHUP 
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 10:45:57 -0700

Alan DeKok wrote:
>   Ok... where does it die, and why?

According to the logs, it appears to die as FreeRADIUS is restarting.
Why, I have no idea.
>   If you have a little more information, like a core dump &&
> backtrace, that would help significantly.

I had thought about that issue when I built FreeRADIUS, but I didn't
see an obvious option to enable core dumps, and I haven't found any
when it dies.  I believe I have the environment set to allow full corings,
but I may have missed an option in FreeRADIUS to dump core when it dies.
Is there anything I need turn on?  I'll see if I can get a core and put
it up somewhere semi-public.



Message: 3
Subject: RE: FreeRADIUS-1.0.0pre3 crash at SIGHUP 
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 10:50:04 -0700
From: "Htin Hlaing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I had thought about that issue when I built FreeRADIUS, but I didn't
> see an obvious option to enable core dumps, and I haven't found any
> when it dies.  I believe I have the environment set to allow full
> but I may have missed an option in FreeRADIUS to dump core when it
> Is there anything I need turn on?  I'll see if I can get a core and
> it up somewhere semi-public.

[Htin Hlaing] Yes.  It's allow_core_dumps =3D yes in radiusd.conf file


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 20:31:18 +0200
From: Simeon Penev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Accounting details logging problem


i have the following configuration in radiusd.conf:

detail {
         detailfile = ${radacctdir}/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail-%Y%m%d:%H
         detailperm = 0600

but when i receive accounting request, the logging is:

modcall: entering group accounting for request 5
rlm_acct_unique: WARNING: Attribute NAS-Port-Id was not found in 
request, unique ID MAY be inconsistent
rlm_acct_unique: WARNING: Attribute Client-IP-Address was not found in 
request, unique ID MAY be inconsistent
rlm_acct_unique: WARNING: Attribute User-Name was not found in request, 
unique ID MAY be inconsistent
rlm_acct_unique: Hashing ',,NAS-IP-Address =,Acct-Session-Id = "00000080",'
rlm_acct_unique: Acct-Unique-Session-ID = "2a923e8df47cc921".
  modcall[accounting]: module "acct_unique" returns ok for request 5
radius_xlat:  '/var/log/radius/radacct//detail-20040625:20'
/var/log/radius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail-%Y%m%d:%H expands to 
  modcall[accounting]: module "detail" returns ok for request 5

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Simeon Penev


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 13:30:34 -0500
From: Dave Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: freeradius mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to save binary values in MySQL radreply table

True - I need to figure out how to reverse the process.  That is, I need 
to send something like "0xed5e" as my attribute value.  For now I'll 
just use VSA as the attribute because it's not encrypted.  If I set the 
value in radreply to "ed5e", the server returns "65643565" to the 
client, as you would expect.  I need to get binary values into the table 
somehow.  Maybe the API is smart enough to handle binary data even if 
the mysql command line client isn't?  I tried prefixing each character 
with "\0x" but that didnt work.


Alan DeKok wrote:

>Dave Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> My apologies if this has been answered before but I didn't see 
>>> anything.  This is basically a MySQL question.  I need to save MS-MPPE 
>>> attributes in the radreply table.  Those have a binary value.
>  Which is why they're of type "octets" in the dictionary.  When the
>server prints them out, it prints them as a series of hex characters,
>which is in turn a normal ASCII string.
>  Alan DeKok.


Message: 6
Subject: RE: Problems with configurable_failover
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 15:08:51 -0400
From: "Roy, Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>"Roy, Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 1) valid userid and password should authorize and authenticate =
>> SQL and MSCHAP ok;
>  That should work without any additional configuration.


>> 2) valid userid but wrong password should authorize ok against SQL =
>> fail authentication against MSCHAP; I want to configure freeRADIUS to
>> proxy this failed Access-Request to another RADIUS server/service;
>  A fail-over section should work.


>> 3) invalid userid (regardless of password) should return "notfound" =
>> authorizing against SQL; again I want to configure freeRADIUS to =
>> this failed Access-Request to another RADIUS server/service.
>  A fail-over section should work here, too.


>> This one correctly proxies for wrong userids, but it unexpectedly
>> replies with Access-Reject for correct userids and passwords even =
>> sql returned "ok".  I figured out freeRADIUS does this because my =
>> is using mschap and radius doesn't find a User-Password or =
>> attribute in the request.
>  Did you list the "mschap" module in the "authorize" section?  It
>will take care of setting Auth-Type :=3D MSCHAP if it finds MSCHAP

Yes, mschap is just above the group and it is not commented out.  If I =
comment out the group and restart the radius server and send an =
access-request, it does indeed do an mschap authorization and then an =
mschap authentication (as per the output when running in debug mode), =
proving that mschap is indeed there and active.  But somehow, when I =
insert a group without a mschap section within the group (as indicated =
in my previous email), mschap does not occur correctly.

Here's a sample of the debug output without an mschap section in my =
group under the authorize section:
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, =
id=3D161, length=3D230
        Acct-Session-Id =3D "7f102a4f"
        NAS-Port =3D 1
        NAS-Port-Type =3D Wireless-802.11
        User-Name =3D "roger"
        Calling-Station-Id =3D "00-04-75-CC-41-1F"
        Called-Station-Id =3D "00-03-52-00-12-CC"
        Framed-IP-Address =3D
        MS-CHAP2-Response =3D =
        MS-CHAP-Challenge =3D 0x2863c07d7c0988321e1e7ec4b652899d
        NAS-Identifier =3D "L004-00149"
        NAS-IP-Address =3D
        Framed-MTU =3D 1496
        Connect-Info =3D "HTTPS"
        Service-Type =3D Framed-User
        Message-Authenticator =3D 0x3ae483380745632a3152603d0f969388
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: auth.c::rad_authenticate entered
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: modcall: entering group authorize for =
request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: calling =
preprocess (rlm_preprocess) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: returned from =
preprocess (rlm_preprocess) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modcall[authorize]: module =
"preprocess" returns ok for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: calling =
auth_log (rlm_detail) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat:  =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: rlm_detail: =
 expands to =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: returned from =
auth_log (rlm_detail) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modcall[authorize]: module =
"auth_log" returns ok for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: calling chap =
(rlm_chap) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: returned from =
chap (rlm_chap) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modcall[authorize]: module "chap" =
returns noop for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: calling eap =
(rlm_eap) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: returned from =
eap (rlm_eap) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modcall[authorize]: module "eap" =
returns noop for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: calling suffix =
(rlm_realm) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:     rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name =3D =
"roger", looking up realm NULL
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:     rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: returned from =
suffix (rlm_realm) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" =
returns noop for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: calling sql =
(rlm_sql) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'roger'
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped =
user --> 'roger'
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'SELECT =
id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radcheck WHERE Username =3D 'roger' =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket =
id: 0
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'SELECT =,radgroupcheck.GroupName,radgroupcheck.Attribute,radgroup=
check.Value,radgroupcheck.op  FROM radgroupcheck,usergroup WHERE =
usergroup.Username =3D 'roger' AND usergroup.GroupName =3D =
radgroupcheck.GroupName ORDER BY'
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'SELECT =
id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radreply WHERE Username =3D 'roger' =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'SELECT =,radgroupreply.GroupName,radgroupreply.Attribute,radgroup=
reply.Value,radgroupreply.op  FROM radgroupreply,usergroup WHERE =
usergroup.Username =3D 'roger' AND usergroup.GroupName =3D =
radgroupreply.GroupName ORDER BY'
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: returned from =
sql (rlm_sql) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modcall[authorize]: module "sql" =
returns ok for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: calling mschap =
(rlm_mschap) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   rlm_mschap: Found MS-CHAP =
attributes.  Setting 'Auth-Type :=3D MS-CHAP'
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: returned from =
mschap (rlm_mschap) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" =
returns ok for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: modcall: entering group group for =
request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: calling sql =
(rlm_sql) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'roger'
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped =
user --> 'roger'
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'SELECT =
id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radcheck WHERE Username =3D 'roger' =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket =
id: 4
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'SELECT =,radgroupcheck.GroupName,radgroupcheck.Attribute,radgroup=
check.Value,radgroupcheck.op  FROM radgroupcheck,usergroup WHERE =
usergroup.Username =3D 'roger' AND usergroup.GroupName =3D =
radgroupcheck.GroupName ORDER BY'
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'SELECT =
id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radreply WHERE Username =3D 'roger' =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: radius_xlat:  'SELECT =,radgroupreply.GroupName,radgroupreply.Attribute,radgroup=
reply.Value,radgroupreply.op  FROM radgroupreply,usergroup WHERE =
usergroup.Username =3D 'roger' AND usergroup.GroupName =3D =
radgroupreply.GroupName ORDER BY'
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authorize]: returned from =
sql (rlm_sql) for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   modcall[authorize]: module "sql" =
returns ok for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: modcall: group group returns ok for =
request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: modcall: group authorize returns ok =
for request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: auth.c::check_expiration entered
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: auth.c::check_expiration exited - =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug:   rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: auth: type Local
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: auth: No User-Password or =
CHAP-Password attribute in the request
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: auth: Failed to validate the user.
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Auth: Login incorrect: [roger/<no =
User-Password attribute>] (from client bhcn3000 port 1 cli =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: auth.c::rad_authenticate exited - =
location 6
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: proxy_send: return RLM_MODULE_NOOP =
because neither a proxy nor replicate pair found
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: Delaying request 7 for 1 seconds
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: Finished request 7
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: Going to the next request
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: --- Walking the entire request list =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:42 2004 : Debug: Waking up in 1 seconds...
Fri Jun 25 14:53:43 2004 : Debug: --- Walking the entire request list =
Fri Jun 25 14:53:43 2004 : Debug: Waking up in 1 seconds...
Fri Jun 25 14:53:44 2004 : Debug: --- Walking the entire request list =
Sending Access-Reject of id 161 to

>  From the above description, it looks like the server has no
>Auth-Type set, or an Auth-Type of Local, in which case all it can do
>is PAP & CHAP.
>> So I changed "ok =3D return" to "ok =3D 1" and added an mschap =
>> to authorize:
>  The first change shouldn't have happened.  The second is OK.

Understood, thanks.

>  Try using "ok =3D return", and listing "mschap" in "authorize", =
>the group{} thing.  That should work.

What you state is in fact the case in my radiusd.conf, but it doesn't =
seem to be working the way you (or I) expect it to work.


Message: 7
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 17:32:22 -0300 (ADT)
Subject: Is there some kind of trick to make Cisco LEAP work???
From: "James D. Munroe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<p>Hello,</p><p>Has anyone tried or successfully been able to get
Cisco=A0Leap to work using FreeRadius?</p><p>Components:</p><p>- Cisco
AIR-AP1230B-A-K9 Access Points running IOS 12.2.15</p><p>- Freeradius
0.9.3 installed from the Redhat ES 3.0 RPM, running on a Redhat ES 3.0
Server</p><p>If so, would it be possible to get sanitized copies of your
Freeradius configuration files (radiusd.conf, users, clients.conf,
etc...)?=A0 Authenication to the AP itself using radius works prefect, ha=
even setup EAP-TLS and it works prefect!!=A0 But leap is a no
good...</p><p>It's not a configuration issue on the Access Points
themselves.=A0 Leap works fine when used against Cisco ACS (v3.2.3).=A0
However, for security reasons and cost of course we would like to use
Freeradius for outside hosts rather than expose our internal ACS
server.</p><p>Also, I have been unable to get the WDS service working
between the AP's and Cisco's WLSE.=A0 I'm not surprised since it uses Lea=
It does work though with CiscoACS...but Freeradius is a no go. :-(</p><p
/><p>Any help would be greatly appreciated!!</p><p>Thanks,</p><p>Jim</p>


Message: 8
Subject: radclient problem, apparent limit of resend count to 256
From: David Stanaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 16:32:04 -0500

I am having some problems with using radclient to test some
modifications to the radiusd.

radclient -f testpacket -c 1000  -q acct s3cr3t

This only logs 256 accounting packets. I think it is to do with the
requestid looping.

This also does not work: 

n=1000;i=0; time while [ $i -lt $n ]; do d=$[n-i]; [ $d -lt 256
]||d=256;  radclient -f testpacket -c $d  -q acct s3cr3t;
echo $d $i $n; i=$[i+d]; done

In this case, only 256 packets are logged also (That is in the detail
file and in the sql accounting).

Does anyone have a quick hack to benchmark the radius server?

David Stanaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Message: 9
From: "Gary McKinney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to save binary values in MySQL radreply table
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 17:48:58 -0400


You may want to check out MySQL 4.x - there is a hex() function to return a
hexidecimal representation..


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "freeradius mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: how to save binary values in MySQL radreply table

> True - I need to figure out how to reverse the process.  That is, I need
> to send something like "0xed5e" as my attribute value.  For now I'll
> just use VSA as the attribute because it's not encrypted.  If I set the
> value in radreply to "ed5e", the server returns "65643565" to the
> client, as you would expect.  I need to get binary values into the table
> somehow.  Maybe the API is smart enough to handle binary data even if
> the mysql command line client isn't?  I tried prefixing each character
> with "\0x" but that didnt work.
> Dave
> Alan DeKok wrote:
> >Dave Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>> My apologies if this has been answered before but I didn't see
> >>> anything.  This is basically a MySQL question.  I need to save MS-MPPE
> >>> attributes in the radreply table.  Those have a binary value.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >  Which is why they're of type "octets" in the dictionary.  When the
> >server prints them out, it prints them as a series of hex characters,
> >which is in turn a normal ASCII string.
> >
> >  Alan DeKok.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

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