Hello List,
I recently installed freeradius 1.0 pre1 with Oracle8i, Ascend MAX. and I found it 
very very good.
Thanks Alan Dekok and all freeradius ppl for such a nice work.
I did some changes please suggest,
I customize authorize_check_query to :-
authorize_check_query ="SELECT 1 as id,e.userid as UserName,'Password' as 
Attribute,e.password as
Value,'==' as op from everyuser e where e.userid='%{SQL-User-Name}' and e.status=0 
union SELECT
id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM ${authcheck_table} WHERE Username 
='{SQL-User-Name}' order by
Reason=I only need check password/status most of the time thats why I did that.Status 
will be
update from my billing module

and authorize_reply_query to :-
authorize_reply_query="Select 1 as
id,e.userid,'Session-Timeout',((e.balance-e.usedbalance)/p.onpeakrate)*3600,'==' from 
everyuser e,
packages p where e.userid='%{SQL-User-Name}' and e.policyindex=p.indexptr union SELECT
id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM ${authreply_table} WHERE Username = 
'%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER
BY id"
Reason=I don't want to use radacct table too big, so i m not able to use sqlcounter. 
So I fetch
remaining seconds and get in Session-Timeout every time. Usedbalance is updated by my 
select * from radgroupreply;
For Dialup
 ID GROUPNAME            ATTRIBUTE                     OP VALUE
--- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- -- 
 32 dynamic              Service-Type                   := Framed-User
 33 dynamic              Framed-Protocol                := PPP
 34 dynamic              Framed-Compression             := Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP
 35 dynamic              Framed-MTU                     := 1500
 62 dynamic              Port-Limit                     := 1
 61 dynamic              Nas-Port-Type                  := Async
for ISDN no 'Async' 
 63 isdn                 Service-Type                   := Framed-User
 64 isdn                 Framed-Protocol                := PPP
 65 isdn                 Framed-Compression             := Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP
 66 isdn                 Framed-MTU                     := 1500
 67 isdn                 Port-Limit                     := 1
select * from radgroupcheck
ID GROUPNAME            ATTRIBUTE                               OP VALUE
-- -------------------- --------------------------------------  -- -----
 0 dynamic              Auth-Type                               == Sql
 1 isdn                 Auth-Type                               == Sql
I have to use Auth-Type=Local or Auth-Type=Sql ? please suggest.
select * from radcheck;
ID USERNAME            ATTRIBUTE            VALUE                 OP
-- ------------------- ------------------   --------------------- --
 2 babar               Calling-Station-Id   2315938               ==

NULLIF is not supported in Oracle 8i 
SET FramedIPAddress = NULLIF('%{Framed-IP-Address}', ''), \
so I change it to
SET FramedIPAddress= CASE WHEN '%{Framed-IP-Address}'='' THEN '' ELSE 
'%{Framed-IP-Address}' END,\

Actually Im trying to develop usage base,pre-paid, post-paid billing. So I write a 
billing module
which is checking radacct table every 60 seconds and bill the user on basis of hourly 
+ onpeek
time/offpeak time/Monthly/Unlimited/ISDN rates, billing module is also checking 
expiration of users every half an hour. I used OCI/C code for billing module.
Right now i m billing from NAS AcctSessionTime this is correct or I have to use 
acctStopTime minus
acctStartTime ? please suggest.
I m deleting radacct entries when i got acctstoptime and when billing is done and 
storing in
another table 'usagedetails'. and using snmp check for multilogin. Please suggest all 
this is okey

Thanks once again,
Babar Shafiq.

God is a great Programmer

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