MANNET Technical Support <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem is with our ADSL users. When our telco switches over
> authentication on the home gateway to the new servers we see an
> authentication attempt in the freeradius logs and it says authentication
> is OK but we are not seeing any accounting records being created.

  The most common cause of that problem is that the NAS is not sending
accounting packets.

> The primary radius server has 2 interfaces, what we noticed in the log
> supplied to us by our telco was the ADSL home gateway was sending a
> request to eth0 interface and was receiving a reply from eth1 interface
> thus discounting the authentication.

  That is a problem, and can be fixed by using the "bind_address"
directive in "radiusd.conf", to force the server to listen on a
particular IP address.

  Alan DeKok.

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