"Tony Sciortino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No matter what I seem to try and configure I always get the error message:
> Attribute "User-Password" is required for authentication
> I have tried rlm_unix, rlm_pam, rlm_ldap, rlm_eap_leap always with the same 
> result.

  rlm_unix, rlm_pam, and rlm_ldap do authentication only when there is
a User-Password attribute in the packet.  rlm_eap_leap does LEAP
authentication, but requires you to supply it a clear-text password,
or NT-Password so that it can authenticate the LEAP session.

> The only thing that does work is if I put a user in the users file 
> specifying User-Password == "test123"

  This won't make any difference for rlm_unix, rlm_pam, and rlm_ldap.

> I want to be able to use an existing user/password source like pam or ldap.

  PAM is not a password source.

  LDAP is.  See "raddb/ldap.attrmap".

> The device that is configured to point at the freeradus server is configured 
> for leap. The leap negotiation works fine but it fails on the user auth.
> Ideas? 

  Grab a clear-text password, or NT-Password, from LDAP, and give it
to the server.  LEAP will then work.

  Alan DeKok.

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