i'm disperate with a little thing in freeradius. everything works
  fine (i use it for about 2 years) except i can't set Expiration attribute correctly

  i have some users defined in raddb/users file, but must of them are in mysql DB

  if i put in raddb/users file:
  myuser  Auth-Type = Local, Password == "mypass", Simultaneous-Use := 1, Expiration 
:= "01 Jun 2004"
  Service-Type == Framed-User, Framed-Protocol == PPP,
  Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP

  works fine (it's interesting, that if i don't put the expiration
  thing on the first line, toghether with auth-type and password, the
  attribute is ignored ...)

  but if i use in mysql, like this:
  in usergrup
  username |  groupname |
  myuser     default
  in radcheck
  username | attribute    |    value    |         op
  myuser     Password          mypass              ==
  myuser     Expiration        "01 Jun 2004"       :=
  in radgroupcheck
  groupname | attribute    |    value    |         op
  default  Service-Type        Framed-User         ==
  default  Framed-Protocol     PPP                 ==
  default  NAS-Port-Type       Async               ==
  default  Auth-Type           Local               :=
  default  Framed-Compression  Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP :=
  default  Simultaneouse-Use   1                   :=

  i realy don't understand what is the problem. i use successfully many
useful attributes (Login-Time, Session-Time, Framed-Filter-Id, and even
Exec-Program) but Expiration is not work
i had tried == or = on OP field, but same result.

in debug mode (-X -A), the lines reported is the same, with or without
line Expiration from radcheck

i use freeradius 0.9.3
please, if someone use this attribute with success in mysql, give me a hand

thx a lot
Remus A

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