I am going to use Freeradius, but I need some help
on configuring it to serve my particulr purposes. I am
using pppoe-server and the users are authenticated 
through radius, but I want to use some checks before
letting users to do their jobs. I want to account and 
check the trafic of each user, perform check of amount
of that trafic(input and output), and if that trafic
for particular user is above some value( for example
above 20MB) I 
want the radius server to not let that user do
I am using Slackware 10, Freeradius 0.9.3,
and this set of servers works nice, but I to use more
the potential of the Postgresql and Freeradius. I know
that what I want to achieve is possible but I don't
know how.
I would appreciate any advice for this.
10x in advance.
Ivaylo Petrov.

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