Here's an odd one...Is there any way of getting around having to set
Service-Type = Administrative-User in order to get the Cisco-AVPair :=
"shell:priv-lvl=15" to work correctly? The reason I ask is b/c when I
set Service-Type = Administrative-User as the DEFAULT in the users file
or through a radiusReplyItem: Service-Type := "Administrative-User" in
OpenLDAP, the Juniper ERX radiusReplyItem: ERX-Cli-Initial-Access-Level
:= "5" attribute is ignored and all users log in with priv. level of 10.

Hoeever, when I comment out the Service-Type = Administrative-User in
the users file, the Juniper works correctly but am unable to log into
the Cisco 29XX devices. Any help certainly appreciated.


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