On Fri, 23 Jul 2004, Andreas Rieck wrote:

> Hi, im runnig freeradius-0.9.3 and openssl-0.9.7d-15.
> I use EAP/TLS and it works fine. With this configuration, everybody with an valid 
> certificate can connect. Now it is
> necessary, that only people from the OU "ou=People, OU=wlan, o=myCompny, c=com" can 
> be able to connect to the
> Acces-Point. The Radius-Server should check this by using the CN from the 
> client-certificate. If such an CN ist present
> in the OU, the Connection via EAP/TLS can be established, if not the connection 
> should be rejected.
> Is this generally possible,in which way do I have to change the configuration?

I don't think it can work the way you want it. You can do the following though:

1. In rlm_ldap set basedn to 'ou=People, OU=wlan, o=myCompny, c=com' so that any
other user will get rejected

2. In eap tls (this is possible in recent server versions) set check_cert_cn

> Thanks
> Andreas Rieck
> -
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Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 210 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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