Actualy I care i dont know about the rest, but i have been using 
freeradius/dialup-admin for a while
and development just seem to have stoped on dialup-admin, hence i was loosing hope.



On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 11:48:05 +0300 (EEST), Kostas Kalevras wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Jul 2004, sarky wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am looking for a web interface which does what dialup admin
>> does and allows users to access it via there login/password and
>> get all the information they require download limits, what they
>> have downloaded and so on.
> You are actually describing the functionality of dialupadmin? Why
> are you asking for a replacement instead of just adding this
> capability to dialupadmin?
> Anyway, after i 've finished with my security audit of dialupadmin
> i 'll add that functionality. If you care you can use it.
>> Anything out there which does that ?
>> Sarky
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> --
> Kostas Kalevras                Network Operations Center
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]        National Technical University of Athens, Greece
> Work Phone:                +30 210 7721861 'Go back to the shadow'        Gandalf
> -
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