Dear All
I am using Freeradius 1.0.0 pre03 version running on Sun Solaris 8 and I
am connecting to an Oracle DB for accounting. My Oracle DB is located on
another Sun Solaris server 8i and I am using oracle client version I realized that I am loosing memory on the DB machine after
pushing few START requests using radclient. This was tracked using TOP
utility for SUN and I was tracking the Free memory, which was declining
and tracking the oracle connection memory utilization, which was
increasing significantly, it started with 12M and ended by 39M after
1500 START requests. Other tests were carried out on older version of
Freeradius (0.7.1 and 0.9.0) and all reported the same problem.

Had anyone faced the same problem, appreciate your help.

Yasser Ahmed Hosny

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