>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to discover if this is possible with freeRADIUS.  I have read
>> through the FAQ and comments in some config files, but I'm still not
>> I want to use a separate user/password table (stored in mySQL) for each
>> a
>> few applications (such as SMTP & dialup).  Then when a RADIUS client
>> a
>> request to freeRADIUS, I would like freeRADIUS to automatically lookup
>> requests from client1 in database table1 and requests from client2 in
>> database table2.
>why do you need to separate the tables? freeradius is flexible in
>attributes, it doesnt care where
>a user belongs to, as long as you do it with proper attributes and values.

I would like to use the same freeRADIUS server to manage requests from SMTP
mail gateways (acting as RADIUS clients) and requests from dialup access
units.  Some users may have permissions to use the SMTP gateway, but not
dialup or vice versa, or both.  I thought I'd have 2 separate user lists in
mySQL, one being a list of those permitted to use SMTP and the other being a
list of those permitted to use dialup.  So my first question is:  Is it
possible for freeRADIUS to treat a request differently depending on which
source client (IP #) it came from?  Secondly, could I implement what I've
stated above, or is there a better way?

>> Can freeRADIUS do this?  If so, how?
>you can do it anyway by group attributes.
>if its not easy for you to adapt with dialup admin interface to create user
>over and over again on the same critieria,
>you can create your own script to create users under the same group.
>milver nisay

Is the group attribute a field that I can set in mySQL?


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Steve Ross

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