Run 'radiusd -X -A' and report back where it seems to be hanging up.


On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 03:38:17PM -0600, Oscar Caballero Chavanel wrote:
> Hello,
> I started using and configuring FreeRADIUS 0.9.3 on SuSE Linux
> Enterprise Server 8.
> I need to authenticate RADIUS users to eDirectory server using LDAP.
> After some research, I found how to accomplish that, however, the
> performance is extremely slow. I am getting responses from LDAP after 10
> seconds of waiting... THe LDAP server is running OK and the performance
> using other software to query or authenticate is just fine.
> I guess that maybe I am doing something wrong with the configuration
> options.
> Maybe you guys, could give me a hand and take a look at the following
> lines:
> Extracted from the radiusd.conf file...
>         ldap {
>                 server = ""
>                 port = 389
>                 identity = "cn=admin,o=novell"
>                 password = novell
>                 basedn = "o=novell"
>                 # authtype = "MS-CHAP"
>                 filter = "(uid=%u)"
>                 start_tls = no
>                 # default_profile = "cn=radprofile,ou=dialup,o=My
> Org,c=UA"
>                 # profile_attribute = "radiusProfileDn"
>                 # access_group = "cn=clients,ou=dialup,o=My Org,c=UA"
>                 # access_attr = "dialupAccess"
>                 dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap
>                 # ldap_cache_timeout = 120
>                 # ldap_cache_size = 0
>                 ldap_connections_number = 5
>                 # password_header = "{clear}"
>                 password_attribute = userPassword
>                 # groupname_attribute = cn
>                 # groupmembership_filter =
> "(|(&(objectClass=GroupOfNames)(member=%{Ldap-UserDn}))(&(objectClass=GroupOfUniqueNames)(uniquemember=%{Ldap-UserDn})))"
>                 timeout = 4
>                 timelimit = 3
>                 net_timeout = 1
>         }
> I also changed my users configuration file, to use LDAP as the default
> (and unique) Auth-Type. Is there anything else I should configure or
> modify in the configuration files?
> Thanks so much for your help!
> Oscar Caballero
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