Can u please check with radiusd -X with debugging mode n try to check
all thing u will get extact where u stuck.
just run command: radius -X 
after try to authenticat with local n see wht debugging output show
and after try to using poptop and check radius debug , if still u r
getting error with mschap than try to use only PAP n try again same

 And 1 more can u also check with radlog file..
i hope u will solutions.

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 02:00:47 -0700 (PDT), John H. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ok, as soon as I uncomment the two following lines
> from /etc/ppp/options.pptpd, I can no longer connect
> with anything to poptop...
> #plugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.3/
> #radius-config-file
> /etc/radiusclient/radiusclient.conf
> even though I set up freeradius for ldap, and if I use
> radtest with an ldap account, it works fine...
> it will say this in the log when I try it with radius
> plugin...
> Aug 29 03:54:58 server1 pppd[8736]: Plugin
> /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.3/ loaded.
> Aug 29 03:54:58 server1 pppd[8736]: RADIUS plugin
> initialized.
> so what's the deal?  I am using mschap2, and when I
> use radius plugin, it says
> Aug 29 03:55:11 server1 pppd[8736]: Peer username
> failed CHAP authentication
> even though the same account works fine with radtest
> /etc/radiusclient/servers has
> localhost password
> here is my radiusclient config file...
> # General settings
> # specify which authentication comes first
> respectively which
> # authentication is used. possible values are:
> "radius" and "local".
> # if you specify "radius,local" then the RADIUS server
> is asked
> # first then the local one. if only one keyword is
> specified only
> # this server is asked.
> auth_order      radius,local
> # maximum login tries a user has (default 4)
> login_tries     4
> # timeout for all login tries (default 60)
> # if this time is exceeded the user is kicked out
> login_timeout   60
> # name of the nologin file which when it exists
> disables logins.
> # it may be extended by the ttyname which will result
> in
> # a terminal specific lock (e.g. /etc/nologin.ttyS2
> will disable
> # logins on /dev/ttyS2)   (default /etc/nologin)
> nologin /etc/nologin
> # name of the issue file. it's only display when no
> username is passed
> # on the radlogin command line  (default
> /etc/radiusclient/issue)
> issue   /etc/radiusclient/issue
> # RADIUS settings
> # RADIUS server to use for authentication requests.
> this config
> # item can appear more then one time. if multiple
> servers are
> # defined they are tried in a round robin fashion if
> one
> # server is not answering.
> # optionally you can specify a the port number on
> which is remote
> # RADIUS listens separated by a colon from the
> hostname. if
> # no port is specified /etc/services is consulted of
> the radius
> # service. if this fails also a compiled in default is
> used.
> authserver      localhost:1812
> # RADIUS server to use for accouting requests. All
> that I
> # said for authserver applies, too.
> #
> acctserver      localhost:1813
> # file holding shared secrets used for the
> communication
> # between the RADIUS client and server
> servers         /etc/radiusclient/servers
> # dictionary of allowed attributes and values
> # just like in the normal RADIUS distributions
> dictionary      /etc/radiusclient/dictionary
> # program to call for a RADIUS authenticated login
> # (default /usr/sbin/login.radius)
> login_radius    /usr/sbin/login.radius
> # file which holds sequence number for communication
> with the
> # RADIUS server
> seqfile         /var/run/radius.seq
> # file which specifies mapping between ttyname and
> NAS-Port attribute
> mapfile         /etc/radiusclient/port-id-map
> # default authentication realm to append to all
> usernames if no
> # realm was explicitly specified by the user
> # the radiusd directly form Livingston doesnt use any
> realms, so leave
> # it blank then
> default_realm
> # time to wait for a reply from the RADIUS server
> radius_timeout  10
> # resend request this many times before trying the
> next server
> radius_retries  3
> # NAS-Identifier
> #
> # If supplied, this option will cause the client to
> send the given string
> # as the contents of the NAS-Identifier attribute in
> RADIUS requests.  No
> # NAS-IP-Address attribute will be sent in this case.
> #
> # The default behavior is to send a NAS-IP-Address
> option and not send
> # a NAS-Identifier.  The value of the NAS-IP-Address
> option is chosen
> # by resolving the system hostname.
> # nas_identifier MyUniqueNASName
> # LOCAL settings
> # program to execute for local login
> # it must support the -f flag for preauthenticated
> login
> login_local     /bin/login
> any help appreciated.
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Vipul Ramani


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