I have tried to follow this freeradius installation guide:

But when I try to generate the certificates, I get this error:

Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y
failed to update database
TXT_DB error number 2
+ openssl pkcs12 -export -in newcert.pem -inkey newreq.pem -out 
+ cert-srv.p12
-clcerts -passin pass:whatever -passout pass:whatever No certificate matches
private key
+ openssl pkcs12 -in cert-srv.p12 -out cert-srv.pem -passin 
+ pass:whatever
-passout pass:whatever
6069:error:0D07207B:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_get_object:header too
+ openssl x509 -inform PEM -outform DER -in cert-srv.pem -out 
+ cert-srv.der
unable to load certificate
6070:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start
line:pem_lib.c:632:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
+ echo -e '\n\t\t##################\n'


This happens when CA.all comes to the server certificate, the root and
client sertificate seems to be generated without problems.

And when I check under /scripts, where CA.all is located (and where I belive
the newly generated certificates are placed), cert-srv.p12 and cert-srv.pem
has a zero-byte size.

Any ideas?

Øystein Gåsdal

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