"John H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As far as I know, this was verified with radtest,
> because you have to supply a user name and password.

  <sigh> Run the server in debugging mode to see WHAT was "verified"
when you used radtest.

> I said I was able to test with radtest, not radclient.

  It's the same program.  Open "radtest" in a text editor.

> As far as clear text goes, I am assuming this means
> unencrypted, which would defeat the purpose of why we
> are using LDAP.

  Uh, no.

> Samba's LDAP passwords(lmpassword and ntpassword) as well as
> userPassword, are all encrypted.  Why would I want to deal with
> clear-text passwords?

  Because then it might work?

  Alan DeKok.

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