Alan (and all),

I believe that I have found a bug related to Access-Reject and the
reject_delay and max_session_time configuration settings.  I am running FR

When I run radiusd -X, all behaves as expected.  The Access-Reject is sent
after the delay time indicated by the reject_delay setting.

However, when I run radiusd as a deamon without any parameters, the
Access-Reject is delayed by reject_delay + max_session_time when
reject_delay>0.  If I set reject_delay to 0 and run as a daemon, there is no

I would like to continue using the default reject_delay value as '1'.
However, I have had to dramatically shorten the max_session_time to allow
Access-Reject messages to be sent in a reasonable time.  My first question
is will shortening max_session_time to 1 second have any negative
recurcussions?  My second question is can the underlying problem be fixed in
the next release?

My environment is FR 1.0.0 using MySQL.  I am using NTRadPing to test and
tcpdump to monitor the response times from the RADIUS server.



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