Bartek Boczkaja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have Freeradius 1.0 running on Linux. Users file contains only "Default
> Auth-Type = PAM", Clients file contains my whole subnet. I'd like to use it
> for 802.1x authentication with Cisco 2950 switch.

  It's impossible.

  PAM needs a clear-text password for authentication, and no such
clear-text password exist in EAP.

> Any ideas how to make it work? MacOS X supplicant offers different
> authentication protocols, like: TTLS, TLS, LEAP, PEAP, MD5. Does it have
> something in commont with my problem?

  Give the server a clear-text password, and it can use that to
authenticate the EAP requests.

  And no, you can't use PAM to get clear-text passwords.

  Alan DeKok.

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