I think  this issue has come up on this list before.  
Someone posted this solution. I am pasting it down
here. You can search the list for more information
about it too.

Here we go

Alejandro Galue wrote:
> To reject users:
> Reply-Message := 'You can not login now'
> And the exit code is 1
> BUT, Reply-Message on Access-Reject is not modified.
> The Reject Message does not contain any attributes.

According to me it's a bug and I have been submitted
patches several 
I think it's not being accepted because I don't know
how to send text 
with real tabs :(
Here's my patch that solves this for 1.0.0:

--- src/main/auth.c.orig 2004-08-10 23:13:25.000000000
+++ src/main/auth.c 2004-08-10 23:14:18.000000000
@@ -886,18 +886,15 @@
     * fork/exec errors, or >0 if the exec'ed program
     * had a non-zero exit status.
-   if (umsg[0] == '\0') {
-    user_msg = "\r\nAccess denied (external check
-   } else {
-    user_msg = &umsg[0];
+   if (r < 0) {
+    user_msg = "Access denied (external check
+    tmp = pairmake("Reply-Message", user_msg,
+    pairadd(&request->reply->vps, tmp);

    request->reply->code = PW_AUTHENTICATION_REJECT;
-   tmp = pairmake("Reply-Message", user_msg,
-   pairadd(&request->reply->vps, tmp);
    rad_authlog("Login incorrect (external check
-     request, 0);
+     request, 1);



Thor Spruyt
W: www.thor-spruyt.com
M: +32 (0)475 67 22 65

Thanks and I hope that helps.

--- Kostas Zorbadelos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In a previous thread I described my scenario:
> >My scenario is simple. When I receive an
> authentication request for a
> >user, I want to run an external program and if
> everything goes OK,
> >return access-accept with some attributes,
> otherwise I want to return
> >access-reject with other attributes.
> This scenario is accomplished easily using the
> Exec-Program-Wait
> attribute in users file. 
> When I try to accomplish the same thing with
> rlm_exec, as Doug Hardie
> and Alan suggested, I use configurable failover:
> radiusd.conf:
> exec callerid {
>                 wait=yes
>                 program=/space/radius/callerid.sh
>                 input_pairs = request
>                 output_pairs = reply
>                 packet_type = Access-Request
>         }
> in users I have
> CLIDACTIVATE    Auth-Type := Local,
> User-Password=="AAA", Autz-Type := CLID
> and in the authorize section of radiusd.conf
>        Autz-Type CLID{
>                 callerid {
>                        fail=reject
>               }
>         }
> In this case when the external script returns a non
> zero exit code or
> fails I get an Access-Reject. However I cannot put
> any attributes
> inside this reject packet. If my script outputs
> pairs and exits with a
> non zero status, the pairs are not kept in the
> reject packet sent back
> to the client. So my questions are:
> - is it possible to have attributes in reject
> packets in rlm_exec
>   setups (something I can do with
> Exec-Program-Wait)?
> - is Exec-Program-Wait deprecated and probably
> removed in future
>   versions? If so, how can I accomplish my scenario?
> I need to make a decision for an imminent project.
> Thanks in advance
> Kostas
> -- 
>   Kostas Zorbadelos
>   Systems Developer, Otenet SA 
>   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Out there in the darkness, out there in the night
>   out there in the starlight, one soul burns
> brighter
>   than a thousand suns.
> - 
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> http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

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