On Fri, 3 Sep 2004, sarky wrote:
> Just wondering is there a way of when a user is restricted to 2 hours browsing time,
> the account expires after 2 hours from the time the user logs in?
> for example:
> User logs in at 1:00pm and logs off at 1:30pm    then he tries to logon again at 3:01
> the account will have expired. that is a requirement of a hotel.

Typically in a hotel one purchases access by the room-night. The account 
expires at checkout time even if the user is online at the time (and even 
if they have arranged late checkout or even if they're staying another 

It certainly can be done to sell blocks of time in hours and probably this 
is a more customer-friendly approach. I personally stayed at the Four 
Seasons Aviara in 2002 and bought Internet access only when I got up in 
the AM but it expired at 2pm checkout time anyway even though I was 
staying the next night -- but would not be using the Internet the next 
day. An interesting approach would be the Internet cafe model where
one pays for time used -- one registers, then signs out and one's credit 
card or hotel tab is charged.

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