Hi All,

I have set up freeradius server 1.0.1 and I am using
windows XP 802.1x client. The authenticator is an HP
2524 switch. 

I have test the setup with PEAP using MSCHAP V2 and it
worked fine for me. My problem is that I want to use
this mechanism for VLAN selection so that depending on
the username/password, the user gets the VLAN from the
freeradius server. Now the problem here is that
windows xp stores the username and password in the
cache and in case user wants to get reauthenticated to
and get assigned to another vlan, the
username/password should be  entered again. I can go
in registry and delete the file and in that case, when
I reconnect the client, I will be asked to enter the
username/password. I wonder if it is possible to tell
windows not to store the username/password in the
cache. May be any of you knows about this. I dont know
may be I can set some parameter in radisu
configuration that trigers the windows xp 802.1x
client to enter the username and password everytime
the user connects the computer to the network.

Probably someone knows about an open source 802.1x
client which works for windows and linux both. I will
really appreciate any kind of help regarding this. 

Best Regards


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