I did setup what you send me earlier and it does work.
As soon as we try to do connect via wireless windows laptop
(uses MS-CHAP) it does not work.
Looks like LDAP password is in clear text and MS-CHAP encrypted
and Radius cannot compare the two.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/30/2004 11:44:01 AM >>>
n"Andrew Werbowy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are there any MS-CHAP howtos out there?

  No.  If you configure a user && clear-text password for that user,
then MS-CHAP will work.

> This is what I get and cannot pass this issue:
> Any ideas?

  Try the "users" file example I posted yesterday.

  i.e. Stop trying to configure everything at once.  Ignore LDAP, and
configure simple test users in the "users" file.  When they work, put
that information into LDAP, and test it again.

  If you try to configure everything all at once, then you won't be
able to tell what the problem is, or what's going wrong.

  Alan DeKok.

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