Please help me make sense of inconsistent results. Using either raddest (local) or NTRadPing (remote) the tests are successful if I login as a user in /etc/passwd. In NTRadPing I must make sure CHAP is *not* selected.

Using NTRadPing with CHAP selected I can login as a user in raddb/users. If I use radtest for the same test, the test fails. I'm guessing that this is a PAP vs. CHAP issue, but I'm not sure, and I'm not sure what to do about the problem.

I added these entries to the bottom of the raddb/users file:
mao     User-Password == "testing"
kiko    Auth-Type = Local, Password = "testing"

The only other change from defaults is this entry in raddb/clients.conf:
client {
       secret          = testing123
       shortname       = kiko

A failed test against a username in raddb/users looks like this:
radtest -d /usr/local/etc/raddb/ kiko testing 10 testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 181 to
       User-Name = "kiko"
       User-Password = "testing"
       NAS-IP-Address = cooler
       NAS-Port = 10
Re-sending Access-Request of id 181 to
       User-Name = "kiko"
       User-Password = "\026\262\336\000\274\353#k|W\034a\272\270$\r"
       NAS-IP-Address = cooler
       NAS-Port = 10
rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host, id=181, length=20

A successful test against a user in /etc/passwd looks like this:
radtest -d /usr/local/etc/raddb/ paul changed 10 testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 193 to
       User-Name = "paul"
       User-Password = "changed"
       NAS-IP-Address = cooler
       NAS-Port = 10
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, id=193, length=20

Any feedback would be appreciated, even if you only direct me to the relevant reading material. ^_^

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